GGI Team Update – Testing and Testing Away

Hello Everyone,

Steam has approved our game Vegetabell for release! This means that Vegetaball’s release is only weeks away, and the team has been very busy.

We’d like to thank all of the testers who have been very patient with us and have been essential in helping us make the best game we possibly can. After a statement like that you can probably guess what we’ve been doing the most, testing. It’s the name of the game in the beta stage of development, and requires a coordinated team effort. Vegetaball, being a multiplayer experience has a lot of moving parts that each have had ample opportunity to break on us. The bugs have kept Josh busy, but besides fixing what the testers break, the rest of the team has been polishing up the game. We’ve completed the written localization for several different languages including: French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Polish, Russian, and Chinese. We hope this will allow for more people to enjoy our game.

Stay tuned right here and on social media to get more GGI News and Updates!

If you’re interested in learning more about Vegetaball take a look at our Steam store page here: